Saturday, February 19, 2011

morning sickness

                    lets face it girls......although it is the time to rejoice that u r actually pregnant but it is also the time to get bombarded with lots of advises starting from ur mom to the sales woman at the mall. But coming to think of it don't u think its soooo cool to get a lot of attention that showers on u ?

                    uhem ok lets come to the point...well i thought since pregnancy is the universal truth let me give u to be moms few piece of advise regarding few problems that frequently bothers u . well number 1 on ur list is MORNING SICKNESS. now everyone of u know what that is ...right . its that  u puke .....ugh how disgusting . well never mind its usually harmless , and plz don't even think that u will have it only in can happen at any time...

                   Now why do we have it........thats the million dollar question ...the answer is THE CAUSE IS NON SPECIFIC. how convenient as some of u will say...whenever u cant figure out the cause..they will blurt that answer....well let me tell u till now medical science have failed to specify the exact cause...some blame it on the pregnancy hormone the HCG...and some blame it on...ahem ...plz excuse me for saying this ...ur psyche.

        Now since we dont know what causes it ...let me tell u some tips how to avoid it ...
  1. whenever u are awake don't jump out of bed right away. try to turn to ur sides few times then get up and sit for a while then slowly hang ur feet and then get up
  2. take a dry cracker which has less fat in it . 
  3. keep ur self properly hydrated.
  4. do not take solid and liquid food at the same time
  5. try to think of something else
  6. even a new perfume or breathing fresh air sometime is helpful.

well thats for today girls...i think u should definitely get benefited if u follow these tips.... but if ur vomiting does not stop using these simple measures go meet ur gynaec right away...she will give u some simple medicine which are totally safe for ur baby and u which will surely stop ur morning sickness.....till next time take care....Enjoy ur pregnancy.....